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Find the answers to all the most common questions about the EXTRAORDINARY podcast below ...

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Can I watch the videos with local subtitles?

Yes. No problem! On YouTube you can click on the subtitle icon to start the subtitles on a video.

Afterwards, click on the Settings icon next to the subtitle icon, select "Automated translation" and then your preferred language.

How do you make money on the podcast?

We don't :-) We've been asked many times, what the business model is for this project.

To be honest we don't have one. We've created this project based on 100% interest, passion and curiosity. That's it.

How long is each episode?

The typical length of an episode of EXTRAORDINARY is 30 minutes, but it varies.

When we record the episodes, we do it in an uncensored way. Our goal is to make it as authentic and natural as possible.

How do I watch the video version?

EXTRAORDINARY is both made in a video version and as only audio, so you get to choose :-)

To watch the video version of an episode, simply select the episode and click on the YouTube icon next to this episode.

Can I sponsor an episode of the podcast?

We've heard from quite a lot of companies that want to sponsor the podcast.

We truly appreciate this, but it's unfortunately not possible because of the 100% non-profit nature of the podcast.

How do you select the guests?

The guests are suggested by the team behind the podcast and then invited by host Jonathan Løw.

Our primary focus for these invites is inviting extraordinary guests on the show, but of course we also try to think about diversity etc.

Is the podcast available as audio only?

EXTRAORDINARY both made as a video show and an audio podcast, so it's totally up to you :-)

Simply select your preferred episode and click on the Spotify icon or one of the other audio platforms that you prefer.

What is the goal of the podcast?

The purpose of EXTRAORDINARY is to share the stories, insights and ideas of extraordinary people.

We hope to make each episode both inspiring and down-to-earth ... and we hope that the podcast can evoke positive actions too.

Where can I listen to / watch the episodes?

The episodes of EXTRAORDINARY are available on all of the most popular platforms out there.

These include YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Podimo and others. We're adding new ones all the time.

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